My 24th birthday rocked! Perfect weather for a day on the lake with Dad and Gearry. We spent most of the day relaxing and tubing. Gearry and I are both black and blue from tubing (seriously, hardcore bruising) but it was so much fun. Gearry took a couple awesomely bad spills I wish I would have captured on camera! And I somehow managed to lose my bikini bottoms on one spill, but I caught them on one ankle, thankfully. Haha! We coated ourselves in 30 SPF but somehow still managed to get burnt. Gearry is, once again, a lobster.

When we got back we took the dogs down to the water to swim (and discovered that Bailey
can't swim) and then ordered in pizza for dinner. A great, chill way to wind down after a long day in the sun.
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