Don't freak out, but, yes, it's true: I'm updating our blog. But it's going to be short.
It's Thanksgiving break and although my "break" consists of finishing a project, putting together two portfolios, and writing a paper, I don't have practice, office time or class to contend with, so I thought I'd use a little bit of time over these next few days of semi-freedom to provide some brief updates on the various aspects of my wonderful but crazy life.
Let's structure today's entry with the 5 top questions I've been asked recently:
1. How are Bailey and Zoey???!! (From the way people ask it, I think it deserves to be number one on the list and deserves three question marks and two exclamation points.)
Answer: Great! After finally making it through a recent bout with fleas (eww), Bailey and Zoey are just doing what they do best: chilling and being spoiled. They both got haircuts a couple of weeks ago and look way cute. As winter quickly approaches, they're making great little snuggly cuddle buddies on cold nights! Zoey usually goes to sleep by our feet in bed and Bailey somewhere in the middle or under the bed. But when we wake up every morning, it is pretty much guaranteed that they are both cuddled up in between Gearry and me, often using our pillows just like they were people. Now that it's too cold to keep them on the back deck, we've been keeping them in a huge kennel is the guest bedroom when I am at class or practice and Gearry is at work. Gearry trained them in about two days to get in the kennel on their own. Now you just say "get in" and they literally run in and sit, expectantly waiting for a treat.
2. How is grad school?
Great! Stressful. But great. I definitely over-committed myself this year. But the program is good and I love that it's structured in a cohort, so I do all of my classes and field experiences with the same 23 people the whole year. Having friends in the program makes it a little easier to get through the rough patches. Right now I am in a placement in a sixth grade class at Childs Elementary. I love my supervising teacher, although I am realizing that sixth grade is not for me. I've always worked with first grade, and I definitely like the grades 1-4 range. Not sure what my placement is yet for the spring, but next fall I'll be doing my student teaching, most likely in second grade at Lakeview Elementary, which should be awesome. I am taking 14 credit hours this spring (ewwww) and then two classes next summer (perhaps both of them online so that I can do a lot of traveling next summer!). Student teaching in the fall of 2009 and then getting licensed shortly thereafter. Gearry and I aren't sure how long we're going to stay in this area (warmer weather is continually calling our names), so I haven't thought that far ahead on where exactly I want to teach in the future. But I'm just letting life roll the way it wants to...
3. How is rowing?
Rowing is going well, although I have never been more physically exhausted in my entire life than this fall. From the first week of September until the week before Thanksgiving break, we were conducting three practices a day (5:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm) in order to accommodate all the crazy schedules of our walk-on athletes. Because I have class during Monday evening practice and all day Wednesdays, that meant I was doing 11 two-hour practice sessions a WEEK. That's insane. That's incredibly insane. Now we are down to one practice a day from now through Christmas break and I'm slowly starting to regain a bit of my sanity. Sort of. My hair has been falling out hardcore... literally. That's how stressed I've been. But it's worth it, because I do love it. The novice that I am coaching this year are an awesome group of young women and we have a really, really good chance of doing very well in the spring, so I am excited to see how the year progresses.
4. How is Gearry?
Good, as far as I know. He has been working day hours for the last few months and we both LOVE IT. So instead of getting home at 11:00 or 12:00 at night, hours after I've already gone to bed since I have to be up at 4:15 a.m., he is typically home between 4:30-6:00 p.m. We actually get to make dinner together, watch movies, go out to dinner, play tennis, or, if I'm studying as usual, at least be in the same room together! They were having some issues with quality of service for breakfast and lunch, so they asked Gearry to kind of step in and take charge of daytime service and get everything smoothed out. He's doing a great job and although I know I can't expect these awesome hours forever, I'm enjoying them while they last!
5. Anything else exciting going on in your life?
Depends on what your definition of "exciting" is. In an effort to make the cold weather go away, I've been trying to plan our vacation for next summer. We're strongly leaning toward Mexico, but a few other wild card spots keep popping up. We'll see... For now, just imagining laying on a beach with a drink in my hands helps.
We got a new TV -- 42" flat panel LG LCD. I'm LOVING it. Too bad all my favorite football teams (IU, Colts) haven't been much to watch on it this season :(
I also got a new trainer for my bike so that I can use it indoors this winter in anticipation of next year's triathlon season! It's not the most exciting thing pedaling away for hours without actually moving an inch, but at least I have my new TV to watch while I do it!
Alright, that's all for today. As usual, I have stuff to do, including finishing cleaning the house. Tonight I am hosting a game night for some of my cohort friends... Board games + food + drinks + stressed out grad students finally on break = what I'm imagining to be a really great time.